Tuesday, March 27, 2018


All my live, time given, I love to tinker with electronics and software. The ultimate goal is to turn my environment into an overly connected place with blinking lights and neat gadgets. In this blog, I talk about my domotica vision and realization with related tips & tricks, explaining how I tackle and sometimes solve issues. One day, I will reach perfection. Ans I will be bored.

Main focus is on my Domoticz home automation implementation. It continuously challenges my imagination for all and even useful goals, without being so structured and predictable that everything works at first try. Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Linux, Lua, Z-Wave, REST; the works, if you know what I mean. No, I didn't either at the start. Next to that, setting-up my Synology NAS is a nice loosely linked topic. Automated back-ups of my digital life, music repository, that kind of stuff.

Let's boot the system and see what will come up.